Awards & Publications

# Photographer Of the year 2020, Winner in African Wildlife category in Competition organised by Travel Unbounded.

2018 AUDIENCE FAVOURITE – as judged by the public

#Elephants taking a mud bath © Matrishva Vyas (9163 votes)

# Maha Photographer Gaurav Award, Pune 2019.

# 2nd prize in ‘Portrait and Glamour’ category in photography competition at ‘Fotocon 

2009’, Bangalore. 

# Consolation prize in ‘Wild-life’ category in photography competition at ‘Fotocon 

2009’, Bangalore. 

# Third prize in “I am Into the Wild” contest Organised by Nikon India, August 2016. 

# PSI Gold (Nature) at 15th PSI International Salon 2016.

# ‘Clinical Photography in Dentistry’ (ISBN no. 978-81-8448-427-4)
Jaypee Medical Publisher, New Delhi. 1st edition 2008.

# Journey of Growth and Development.
Asian Photography Journal July 2007; 19 (7) : 98 – 99.

# Moods of a Tiger
Asian Photography Journal June 2009; 21 (6) : 98 – 99.

# Photographing a radiograph – a simple alternative.
J Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, January-March
